5. Why shree Ganesha have one broken tusk (tooth) ? Interesting One

Why shree Ganesha have one broken tusk

Why shree Ganesha have one broken tusk
Broken tooth of Shree Ganapati
Ganesha cha tutlela dat

Why shree Ganesha have one broken tusk – According to Hindu mythology, there are various legends associated with Lord Ganesha’s broken tusk. Here are some of the popular ones:

The Legend of Vyasa: It is said that Lord Ganesha broke his tusk to use it as a pen to write the epic Mahabharata. According to the legend, the sage Vyasa approached Lord Ganesha to write down the epic as he recited it. However, Lord Ganesha agreed to do so on the condition that Vyasa would dictate the epic continuously without any pause. To keep up with Lord Ganesha’s speed, Vyasa inserted a difficult stanza, hoping that Lord Ganesha would take some time to understand it, giving him a chance to rest. But Lord Ganesha understood the stanza and to keep his word, he broke off his tusk and used it as a pen to continue writing the epic.

The Legend of Demon Gajamukhasur: Another popular legend states that Lord Ganesha broke his tusk while fighting the demon Gajamukhasur. According to this legend, Gajamukhasur was a powerful demon. He was wreaking havoc in the world and was eventually killed by Lord Ganesha. During the battle, Lord Ganesha’s tusk broke off and he used it as a weapon to slay the demon.

The Legend of Lord Parashurama: Yet another legend states that Lord Ganesha broke his tusk to show respect to the sage Parashurama. According to this legend, Lord Ganesha was blocking the way of Parashurama, who was on his way to see Lord Shiva. When Parashurama asked him to move, Lord Ganesha refused, and a battle ensued. During the fight, Lord Ganesha’s tusk broke off, as Parshurama thrrew a weapon Pashupatastra given by Loard Shiva.

These are some of the popular legends associated with Lord Ganesha’s broken tusk. However, it is important to note that these are mythical stories and should be viewed in the context of mythology and not as historical facts.

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